There are a number of reasons why someone might lose all their teeth; none of those reason need prevent you from obtaining a complete new set of upper and lower teeth that will suit your individual needs.
Proper functionality combined with restoring your original facial structure, lost from missing teeth and gum recession, are only two of the benefits we strive to provide within our custom crafted services.
Interdigitation. This is the big fancy word that means teeth meshing together properly. When you lose one or more but not all of your teeth, you lose proper interdigitation. As time progresses, your teeth will start to shift and transition. This can be a painful process that can negatively effect your ability to eat properly.
Partial Dentures are designed to seamlessly fill in the missing teeth and ensure proper interdigitation, which will assist in your overall dental health.
Moore Denture Clinic will work with you until you are satisfied with your smile!
A broken denture or missing tooth can cause significant issues and hardship for anyone. Temporary relines and most repairs can be completed while you wait. Moore Denture Clinic is equipped with an on-site dental lab to ensure prompt and professional services for all of your denture needs. If your denture breaks, or if it has become loose and unstable, please give us a call and book an appointment!
Every mouth is different and will require a unique, individualized approach. When you lose your natural teeth the gums will continually shrink every year, which can negatively affect the fit of your dentures whether you have complete dentures or partial dentures. When you get dental implants, the implants integrate with your bone, which helps preserve the bone around the implants. Implants greatly increase how tight the dentures fit, they increase chewing function, and you get the comfort of knowing you can go out with your friends and family and have confidence with your dentures!
If you need to have teeth extracted and are worried about having to go back to work or have an important event coming and you need to have your teeth right away, ask your denturist if immediate dentures are the right option for you. We can have your dentures ready to be inserted immediately after your teeth are extracted! Give us a call and schedule your free consultation!
Do you grind or clench your teeth at night? Our Thermoplastic nightguards can help protect your teeth and assist in alleviating stress on the joints and muscles of the jaw. Whether you are afflicted by bruxism (grinding, gnashing or clenching your teeth) or snoring, Moore Denture Clinic has a variety of options to alleviate your concerns and meet your needs.
Your teeth are not just for a pretty smile. Teeth are an integral part of maintaining your health and need to be protected like any other part of your body. Contact the Moore Denture Clinic to schedule an appointment for a custom mouth guard to ensure the protection of your teeth in whatever sporting activity you love!
There are many people who experience limited mobility or have no means of transpiration for various reasons. Moore Denture Clinic offers house calls to your home or care centre.
You have have a lot of questions or concerns regarding dentures or your oral health. You should feel comfortable before starting any treatment. Contact our clinic and schedule a free consultation with no strings attached!
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