Unlike a dentist who works with a variety of non-denture related patients and can treat a range of dental issues including cavities or gum disease, a denturist is a specialized dental-care professional who is trained and works exclusively with denture patients.
Denturists are dental health care professionals who provide denture care directly to the public. Denturists examine patients who are missing some or all of their teeth, and can design, construct, repair and alter removable and fixed dentures.
Given that dentists cover a much broader range of services, dentists will often utilize or out-source denture needs to denturists in order to facilitate prompt and professional denture care. At the same time, denturists will refer patients to dentists for the removal of teeth and other services that dentists specialize in. In many cases, there is a strong professional bond between the two professions.
Denturists have been providing services directly to the public for over 50 years, and it all started here in Alberta! Alberta was the first province in Canada to legalize denturists providing services directly to the public.
Over the past 40 plus years, Moore Denture Clinic has provided denture services and care for Canadians of all walks of life. From children in their single digits, to our seniors past their centennial celebration, and folks from everywhere in between.
We will not stop until you are satisfied, and truly happy with our products and services!
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